Waarom voor ons kiezen
De waarden waar we op inzetten als videoproductie team
- kwaliteitsvol
- video's voor elke prijs
- mensen met een visie
- trend setters
- betaalbaar
- kleine teams
- efficiënt
- met een missie
- beschikbaar
- aanpassingsvermogen
- focus op jouw profijt
- mee met trends
- intakegesprek
- branding advies
- trend awareness
- focus op USP
- focus op RoI
- dit is wat we doen
Een video laten maken: stap voor stap
Hoe het werkt van eerste contact tot afgewerkte video
Vertel iets over jezelf, je project en wat je precies van ons verwacht.
Een vrijblijvend gesprek, waarin we nagaan wat je juist nodig hebt en de mogelijke pistes bespreken.
We starten met het proces van de preproduction. Het script wordt geschreven, het team samengesteld en de shooting days vastgelegd.
De video(‘s) worden gemaakt. De juiste belichting en acteerprestaties worden neergezet. De beelden en audio worden opgeslagen op een externe harde schijf.
De video wordt afgewerkt. Montage: het geluid wordt geoptimaliseerd, er wordt voor de juiste cuts gekozen en de kleuren worden verfijnd.
Hoe kan je je video/content inzetten om zoveel mogelijk mensen te bereiken? Hoe ga je tewerk, opdat je video/content een return on investment genereert? We staan je bij om op deze vragen antwoord te bieden.
De evolutie van filmproductie

Oliver Van Steen
"Sommige mensen kijken naar de felle competitie tussen brands op sociale media en concluderen dat het onmogelijk is om er tussenuit te springen. Wij kijken daarentegen naar de ongeziene opportuniteiten die sociale media bieden wat betreft het bereik van brands. Reclameberichten worden meer dan ooit omgezet in verkoop. Als je brand herkenbaar is, mee met trends en waarde biedt, zal je succes kennen. Om die reden vinden wij het meer dan ooit van belang dat je een sterk video- en marketingteam achter je hebt staan. Wij houden van de uitdaging om van een spannend product een succesvol brand te maken met behulp van doordachte videomarketing en content creation campagnes."
Oliver is altijd geïnteresseerd geweest in communicatie via bewegend beeld. Hij ging naar London om een opleiding regie en productie te volgen. Daarna was hij actief in marktonderzoek evenals advertenties. Naast commerciële projecten, is Oliver ook betrokken bij creatieve filmprojecten waarbij hij samenwerkt met stunt teams en creatief talent in omgeving Antwerpen. Trends opvolgen behoren tot de dagelijkse bezigheden, zodat jouw brand kan genieten van inzichten in wat wel en niet aanslaat in een groeiende markt
A word on the evolution of video production

Oliver Van Steen
The unprecedented exposure of people to advertising and video content on social media platforms, makes it harder for brands to truly stand out. Competition for people's ever shortening attention span is fierce. In order to make it as a brand you need videos that are new, original and most importantly relatable. If you can communicate the value of your product and its unique selling points and present it in an awesome video package, customers will respond. The unprecedented exposure to ads also creates unprecedented opportunities to convert clicks into sales.
With social media platforms becoming a primary channel for advertising and the unprecedented amount of exposure to advertising, people experience a sort of desensitisation. Consequently, it is harder than ever to stand out with advertising. Traditional ads simply don't work anymore. That's why we keep close tabs on all trends in the video marketing sphere, so we can make your brand as current and relatable as possible.
We believe your hard work should be rewarded with video content that reflects this hard work you put iton your brand.
Walking around with a camera from his early teens, Oliver finished his Masters in history (Arts). After that, he attended a London filmschool. At filmschool he learned, for instance, about directing and producing videos.. After working at a production company, he took over the family business in market research. As a result, he combined his passion for film with his market insights, oneshotvids was born.
Neem de eerste stap: stuur ons een bericht
Neem contact met ons op en wij maken met plezier een afspraak voor een gesprek om jouw noden te bespreken.
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A production company is born
A new avenue: content creation
Over Ons
Learn about us
In 2022 werd OneShotVids opgericht. Het objectief van OneShotVids: trendy video’s maken met compacte film teams. Wij maken spots en content die beantwoorden aan de noden van de veranderlijke markt. Wij werken op maat en realiseren producties voor kleine en grote bedrijven evenals particulieren. Klantvriendelijkheid en werken op maat zijn sleutelwoorden bij OneShotVids.
Door met een team filmmakers te werken met verschillende visies, kunnen we producties aanbieden in verschillende stijlen.
Tegenover elke video staat een tastbaar resultaat.
our committment
Jouw brand staat centraal
Bij alles wat wij doen, staat je brand centraal. Onze services zijn dan ook helemaal op je brand of de ontwikkeling daarvan afgestemd.
Learn about us
Meer Over Ons
At oneshotvids we provide any and all video related services. You may be a gymnast looking to create a professional program for people to learn about gymnastics. You may be a couple with marriage just around the corner. You may be a professional kickstarting a company or a veteran company looking to expand its empire. No matter your situation, we got you covered. It is our job to adapt to your needs and deliver quality video content.
Our vision
Learn about us
Learn about us
It is our vision to create cross-industry campaigns that benefit multiple companies and brands at the same time. In a hyper competitive market, creating new forms of cooperation between brands, is just the what we need. We believe not only in matchmaking between filmmakers and brands, but also between companies.
How it works: so a tourism agent might start a new video marketing campaign and find a globe trotter fashion brand to be a good match to create a joint marketing campaign. Both brands benefit from the increased exposure and share in the costs of content creation and marketing. Basically, everyone benefits and bridges for future cooperation and opportunities are built.
Why work with us
We believe you ought to work with us, because we rock, but if that did not convince you, maybe these reasons will
- we work with the best
- price scaling
- people with vision
- trend setters
- affordable
- small teams
- work quickly
- something to prove
- responsive
- adaptability
- focus on your profits
- available
- intake encouraged
- free branding advice
- trend awareness
- focus on USP
- focus on RoI
- awesome
Getting a video: step by step
A walkthrough from first contact to the delivery of the finished video(s)
Let us know who you are and how we can help you. We will ask about your project and needs
A casual conversation with nothing but serious topics. We get down to the meet of what you really need
We start what is called preproduction: script writing, building the team, checking locations
This is it. We film. The pros take care of everything
A video is not a video without the right cuts, right colour grade and right music
We discuss what is next and the ways in which you can promote your videos
A word on the evolution of video production

Oliver Van Steen
"Some people may look at the fierce competition of brands on social media platforms and conclude it is near impossible to stand out. We look, however, at the unprecedented opportunities the higher level of user engagement with brands on social media platforms generates. The conversion rates are higher than ever. If your brand is relatable, up-to-speed with trends and offers great value, you will succeed. That is why we believe a smart video advertising team is more important than ever. We love the challenge of turning an exciting company into an exciting brand with well thought out video marketing and video content campaigns."
Oliver has always been fascinated with moving images, from his days at filmschool in London to his days working in market research. Today, he combines his passion for creative filmmaking with marketing by designing well thought out and relatable video marketing campaigns. Staying in touch and ahead of trends is not just a passion for Oliver, but a simple necessity of life.
A word on the evolution of video production

Oliver Van Steen
The unprecedented exposure of people to advertising and video content on social media platforms, makes it harder for brands to truly stand out. Competition for people's ever shortening attention span is fierce. In order to make it as a brand you need videos that are new, original and most importantly relatable. If you can communicate the value of your product and its unique selling points and present it in an awesome video package, customers will respond. The unprecedented exposure to ads also creates unprecedented opportunities to convert clicks into sales.
With social media platforms becoming a primary channel for advertising and the unprecedented amount of exposure to advertising, people experience a sort of desensitisation. Consequently, it is harder than ever to stand out with advertising. Traditional ads simply don't work anymore. That's why we keep close tabs on all trends in the video marketing sphere, so we can make your brand as current and relatable as possible.
We believe your hard work should be rewarded with video content that reflects this hard work you put iton your brand.
Walking around with a camera from his early teens, Oliver finished his Masters in history (Arts). After that, he attended a London filmschool. At filmschool he learned, for instance, about directing and producing videos.. After working at a production company, he took over the family business in market research. As a result, he combined his passion for film with his market insights, oneshotvids was born.
Take the first step: send us a message
Get in touch with us. We are always happy to set up for an intake
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Our stats.
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we provide
Content. Services.
We don’t just deliver content. We help you promote your content.
We find the right content creators for your brand.
We encourage clients to engage in joint video marketing campaigns.
We deliver high quality, slick, affordable videos for your brand.
We assist you in developing and video marketing the unique selling points of your products and brand.
Product placement.
We find the right audience for your brand. We use influencers to reach those audiences.
Need a marketing campaign? No problem. Our video marketing experts do everything for you.
Get your project done.
Come & contact us today!