Get the right filmmaker for your project

We match your brand with our talented filmmakers

We match your brand with our talented filmmakers

filmmakers based in Belgium

We work with the best videographers to video market your brand

We work with the best talent to videomarket your brand

featured filmmaker: Dries Degrande

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A word from our founder and creative director

Oliver Van Steen

At oneshotvids we vet our filmmakers based on 4 principles: firstly, trend awareness. Secondly,, brand awareness. Thirdly,, social media awareness. And, finally, attention span awareness. Social media have taken off the past 10 years. Consequently, it is important for your brand to evolve as well. Therefore, we provide you with edgy videos that are in touch with currents trends.

Oliver Van Steen

It is our goal at oneshotvids to make content that is both affordable, by using small teams, and culturally relevant. As a result of social media platforms changing the game for filmmakers and technology becoming more affordable, we keep tabs on everything that is new and hot in the industry.. We opt for an edgy style, for instance, that follows and sets the latest trends, rather than copying the style that used to be in vogue over 10 years ago. By staying at the tip of the spear, we can offer our clients products we feel confident benefit their brand. For this reason, we vet our filmmakers based on 4 principles: trend awareness, brand awareness, social media awareness and attention span awareness.
#teamEurope (BE)

Walking around with a camera from his early teens, Oliver finished his Masters in history (Arts). After that, he attended a London filmschool.  At filmschool he learned, for instance, about directing and producing videos.. After working at a production company, he took over the family business in market research. As a result, he combined his passion for film with his market insights, oneshotvids was born.

Walking around with a camera from his early teens, Oliver finished his Masters in history (Arts) before heading down to a London filmschool to attend a program for directors and producers. After working at a production company, he took over the family business in market research. Adding film to the mix, he started oneshotvids in 2019. As an entrepreneur and creative, Oliver is on the constant lookout for filmmaking talent and follows creative trends closely. A vision to connect content creators and clients propels him to take oneshotvids to the next level and keep growing as a business.

Our headquarters: an anchor and door into the world

With our roots proudly in Antwerp, Belgium, we try to keep our team as international as possible. We believe that having an international team allows us to learn from one another’s style, better stay up to date with (continent specific) cultural trends and offer our clients access to talented filmmakers that supersede our national boundary as well as local talent that is anchored and in touch with references and traditions.


Roots and international team

Roots and international team

With our roots proudly in Antwerp, Belgium, we maintain an international team. An international team allows us to learn from one another's style, better stay up to date with (continent specific) cultural trends and offer our clients access to talented filmmakers that supersede our national boundary as well as local talent that is anchored and in touch with local references and traditions.

hire a filmmaking team: price samples

Samples. Prices may vary depending on the specific needs and talent used to film your project


Half a day of filming. Preproduction and editing are included

starting from

1.500 €

Good for:


A full day of filming. Preproduction and editing are included

starting from

2.500 €

Good for:


Days of filming  based on the size of the project

starting from

5.000 €

Good for:

Ten second ads

Perfect to use on social media, for example on YouTube or TikTok

starting from

500 €

Good for:

TikTok ad

Casual, fun, to the point. The new way of communicating online

starting from

400 €

Good for:

full advert

This is what you choose if you want a full commercial to market a product or brand

starting from

2.000 €

Good for:

Ten second ads

Perfect to use on social media, for example on YouTube or TikTok

starting from

500 €

Good for:

TikTok ad

Casual, fun, to the point. The new way of communicating online

starting from

400 €

Good for:

Full advert

This is what you choose if you want a full commercial to market a product or brand

starting from

2.000 €

Good for:


Perhaps you need a professional workout video or content to sell an online course

starting from

1.000 €

Good for:

filmmaking services

We provide you with the following services

extra services

video marketing

influencer marketing

featured filmmaker: Dries Vanderaerden

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Popular questions

We answer some of the questions you may have

How long does it take to film my project?

Shooting time varies from project to project. Get in touch to discuss your specific project, so we can come up with an estimate with regards to the time it will take to film. (Preparation and editing are not included in the shooting time.)

What is preproduction?

In the preproduction stage we do everything from drafting ideas into a fully fledged scenario to branding, previsualising the shoot, casting and planning the shoot.

Do you only speak English

At oneshotvids we are fluent in Dutch and English )

Wanna know more?

Get in touch with our team. We respond as quickly as possible

Contact us

We are here to help you develop yourself and your brand

Follow us everywhere

+32 487 849450 (Whatsapp)